video Kebab by Dimitra
KEBAB by Dimitra Ingredients: – 800 grams minced veal meat – 600 grams minced lamb meat (quantities and kind of meat may vary according to taste and individual preferences) – 3 medium size onions chopped – cumin 3-4 tea spoons – salt/pepper to taste – olive oil Preparation: Mix the ingredients in a bawl very well and let it rest for at least 30 minutes so that all the aromas and flavors mix together. Heat a big frying pan. Add 1/4 tea cup olive oil. Prepare a big burger (*/*) 1/2 inc thick so that it covers the bottom of the pan. With a wooden or plastic knife (in order not to scratch the teflon surface) cut the “burger” in long pieces, in order to roll them over and cook them. (*/*) you can always prepare the classic kebabs by forming the usual cylinder like shape. Cooking time in medium fire: 20-25 minutes Have fun cooking
video Kebab by Dimitra
Αααααααχαχαχαχα..φιλε …οντως αθανατοι αναπτηρες HONDOS….Kαλοοοοοο
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